One more weekend to see

September 27, 28 and 29

Break It Down, the finale of this season, can be seen for one more long weekend in iCOON museum.

11 kunstenaars + extra's

There is work on display by Kristel van Ballaer, Kees Barten, Deconstructie (Erris Huigens), Erik Haemers, Lucas Hardonk, Sebastiaan Knot, Nieke Lemmens, Ralph Roelse, Thomas & Jurgen, van Vlemmings & Schouten and Lydia Wierenga

And as an extra, at the entrance is a work by Koos Buster, lent to iCOON by Gallery Vriend van Bavink.

And a little bit of the veil is already lifted with a preview of 2025 with artist/ceramist Massimo Pavan.

Also on Friday

iCOON is open this last weekend of the season on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 11am to 5pm.

Put on your trendy sneakers and take a walk: time to explore our beautiful sea, impressive river and the wonderful nature around the concrete former ammunition bunker. With minimalist art in that bunker: the last exhibition of this year.

The entrance fee is 7.50 euros.
Or become a FRIEND OF iCOON 2025 and visit the museum for free.