Lecture about the life and work of Dom Hans van der Laan
Next Sunday, July 7, iCOON will receive architectural historian Valentijn Carbo. He takes us through his passion for buildings and furniture and Dom Hans van der Laan in particular.
The monk and architect Dom Hans van der Laan started designing later in life and invented the plastic number.
Van der Laan is one of the 6 designers of the exhibition SIT PRAY WORK.
Lecture starts at 11:00 am
Who is Valentijn Carbo?
Architectural historian.
Studied art history at the University of Utrecht.
Worked at Museum van Loon in Amsterdam from 2014 to 2016 as a junior curator.
Architectural historian at the Hendrick de Keyser Association
Since 2019, Presenter KRO-NCRV Binnenstebuiten
Fascination with architecture
Valentijn Carbo is fascinated by architecture, because of the stories that each environment contains. “Just like any building you are in. A historic building was made by someone and people lived there. You look at a place very differently if you know something about its history.”
"I hope that it is also recognizable to many people: that the past is not only about the past, but is also about the present.”